Friday, November 12, 2010

wat in the World

ahhhh feelin so sleepy right now
noir soligdson ni todorhoi boljiinaa.
yag minii suulin neg 7 honog iimerhu maygaar oroi 18tsag geel barag odor ehelj bgaamda :D
tgeel ogloo 7, 8 hurtel net heseel anime uzeed suuchihna shude:P
bjigal neg breakfast uhaantai yum idnee hehe ghde gerte bish, huleej huleej bgal yum ntr ongoihoor ni garch neg shine jimsni juice tgd neg egg puff avaad idchine.
Orj ireel usand orood hicheelruge. Onooh gar chine hicheeleese uheh gj bga yum orj irdiim bgaazde hihi
neg ideh yum zohitsuulj amruugaa shidcheel orluuga marsh. tgeel oroi serdeg ......
ahhh wata borin life...
tgool harin unthaasaa omno post hj bgaa min enede :)
ghde odoo ene utgagui bdlaa haynaaa. amidrald jhn sonirholtoi handmaar bna. aav maani bnga zahidag shig
udahgui harin 17n bolosoi .... barag nasaaraa shahu huleesen zuilee huleej avna gejuagaa. zaaaz ter ch yhv c ya. untahgui bol bolohoon blaa shu

Monday, November 8, 2010

November Wish

i haven't been post anything for awhile! since such a stupid thing happened to mehhh :(
some1 took ma laptop from me so....
oh well
it is supposed to be like dat i guesss
but i wont to bend down the head.
i'll be keep movin.
i got a new head start
do your best guys in NOVEMBER
so do i :)